
South DSM News

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Indianola City Council approves property sale to Warren County Historical Society

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Indianola City Hall | indianolaiowa.gov

Indianola City Hall | indianolaiowa.gov

Indianola City Council discussed several items concerning the Warren County Historical Society during its Jan. 3 session, including a vote on a rezoning request.

During the session, which was streamed on YouTube, the council discussed a request to rezone property at 1206 and 1300 W. 2nd Ave.—the site of a building owned by the historical society that operates as a museum—from single-family residential to highway commercial. With no public objections, the City approved the request. Community Development Director Charlie Dissell lauded the effort.

“Looking at our comprehensive plan, the existing museum property is designated for public/semipublic use, which does allow or guide for museums which is listed on there, and the portion immediately east of the museum guides for low-density residential,” he said during the meeting. “We always like to say with comprehensive plans those, those designations aren't necessarily meant to be exact, more of an approximation. And because we do have that semipublic land there where that museum is located, we do think it's appropriate for a rezoning that would support this type of use on that property.”

During the meeting, the council also held a public hearing to discuss the Warren County Historical Society’s planned purchase agreement with the City for property in the Hillcrest/Downtown Unified Urban Renewal Plan area.

The council noted that the historical society has made an offer to the City to purchase property owned by the City, but another firm had already made an offer and the City was in the middle of getting public approval to sell the parcel.

The historical society had made a better offer, and the council noted during the meeting that at November public hearings the sentiment was in favor of selling to the historical society.

It was also noted during the meeting that the historical society would ensure the preservation of the history of the area. The sale has public support and offers other benefits to the community, so the council agreed to enter into a purchase agreement for the property. As part of the agreement, the historical society will set aside green space and offer parking for the Warren County Fair.