
South DSM News

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

City Council Meeting on October 10

All council meetings provide an opportunity for public comment. Comments should be kept to 3 minutes in length and relate to the City or its operations. If you would like to speak on a specific item on the agenda, please note this to staff so they can ensure you get an opportunity during discussion of that item. 

The Carlisle City Council offers a zoom option for participants to attend electronically.

To Join Zoom Meeting - https://zoom.us/j/9951930479  

Meeting ID: 995 193 0479

One tap mobile – Call 1-312-626-6799, enter 995 193 0479# when prompted

We encourage all videoconferencing or calling in to let staff know who you are for the record and then mute your microphone or phone until you would like to speak to provide a better overall experience.

Original source can be found here.