
South DSM News

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

City of Indianola Community Update May 19, 2022


Ventilators for Medic Units

The Indianola Fire Department will obtain four mobile ventilators for each medic unit from the State of Iowa. The addition of this piece of equipment will enhance the level of service provided to the community and increase efficiency. Staff will be trained on the equipment prior to installation in the ambulances. 

Indianola Public Library Summer Bash

Join us for our Summer Bash to kick off summer at the Library with music from KNIA, outdoor games, and food from Karams Grill, Dough Crazy, Hotsy Totsy Food Truck and Ron's Grill on Tuesday, May 31st from 6-8 PM. There will be a cornhole tournament for adults at 6:30 PM with a gift card to West Hill Brewing Company for the winner!

Water Resource Recovery Facility

The construction of the Water Resource Recovery Facility is approximately 80% complete. Drone footage of the progress can be viewed on the Water Resource Recovery Department’s website.

I Save Lives Blood Drive

The City of Indianola Employee Engagement Committee hosted the ‘I Save Lives Blood Drive’ on May 19. Thank-you to City staff and community members for participating!

Memorial Day

Non-emergency City offices will be closed on Monday, May 30 in observance of the Memorial Day holiday.

Yard Waste

The City would like to provide a friendly reminder that regulations (135.03) prohibit placing debris, such as grass clippings and rubbish, on roadways. This helps create a safer driving surface and also helps to prevent blocking of the storm sewer drains (as seen in the linked picture) so that proper drainage can occur. The public’s assistance is greatly appreciated.

Blocked Storm Drain (PHOTO)

City Council Update

The Indianola City Council met in regular session on Monday, May 16, 2022.   The meeting can be viewed on the City’s YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCwqdy2irWQILB_1QzcVrdw

Among the items Council unanimously approved were:

  • Payment applications for the 2022 Infrastructure Improvements Project (Boston Ave), the Water Resource Recovery Facility Project, the South Plant Lift Station Project, and the Square Reconstruction Project
  • Agreements with Terracon Consultants for Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment and State 1 Geotechnical Site Assessment of the Warren County Highway Department property
  • A contract with Snyder and Associates for traffic signal improvements at the intersection of Buxton St and 2nd Avenue
  • A quote for outdoor warning siren replacements
  • A Major Site Plan application for restaurant and retail sales at 1010 North Jefferson Way
Study Session

The Indianola City Council heard a presentation from Snyder and Associates regarding the South K Street Paving Project. Highlights of the presentation included: Project History and Status; Property Assessment Process and Methodology; Speed Control Concepts; and Unique Design. The Council will discuss the project over several council meetings in the coming months.  

Upcoming Council Meetings

Draft agendas for the upcoming Council meetings can be found at the link below.  These are working drafts and are subject to change. Agendas are published on the City's website the Thursday prior to a scheduled City Council meeting. The Council will meet in special session on May 25 at HR Green to learn more about the sewer facilities, and on June 1 at City Hall to discuss the Public Safety and Library/City Hall Building Projects. The next regular Council meeting will be on June 6, 2022.

June 6, 2022 

June 20, 2022

Indianola Summer Arts Festival

The Indianola Public Arts Commission is hosting the Indianola Summer Art Festival on Saturday, July 30, 2022. Artist applications are now being accepted. The application can be viewed here.

Employment Opportunities

The City of Indianola is currently hiring for multiple positions. Please visit our website for more information on employment opportunities.

Original source can be found here.