
South DSM News

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

F&G Replaces EveryStep Van Damaged in Break-in


HCI Hospice Care Services recently issued the following announcement.

F&G, a Des Moines-headquartered life insurance and annuities company, will replace the EveryStep van stolen and damaged in this week’s break-in at the Urbandale location being used for packing and wrapping of EveryStep’s Cheer Boxes.

“We are proud to be able to enable the good work of EveryStep, especially the Amanda the Panda program which provides comfort and support to members of our community coping with loss and grief this holiday season,” said F&G CEO Chris Blunt.

The van and EveryStep’s truck were recovered by police Wednesday, November 17, but both vehicles suffered significant damage. F&G will replace the van, which is used for many community services, including EveryStep Grief & Loss Services programs like Amanda the Panda, which oversees the Cheer Box program.

"EveryStep’s Amanda the Panda program not only uses the van for its Cheer Box program, but it is used extensively during our grief camps for children and families. We are extremely grateful to F&G for this generous donation and their desire to provide support to grieving individuals and families,” said EveryStep president and CEO Tray Wade.

It should be noted F&G employees are also frequent volunteers with EveryStep and spent hours wrapping Cheer Box gifts this past week.

EveryStep’s Cheer Box packing/wrapping site was broken into Monday night, November 15. Many items were stolen, including gifts intended for grieving Cheer Box recipients, two EveryStep vehicles, electronics and other items. Cheer Boxes contain 12 gifts designed to help grieving families as they go through the holidays after suffering the loss of a loved one. Donations to replace the unexpected cost of replacing the Cheer Box gifts and other items may be made at www.everystep.org/donate. Gifts may be designated to “Grief & Loss/Amanda the Panda.”

Original source can be found here.