
South DSM News

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

PELLA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: Help us welcome Rob's Mini Donuts to Pella!


Pella Chamber of Commerce issued the following announcement on July 30. 

What started as a class project in the UNI Entrepreneurship Program, Rob Sales has turned into a full-time job. He travels to community and sporting events across the country and serves up mini donuts by the dozen.

What's your record number of donuts you've served in an hour?

100 Dozen or 2 dozen a minute!

In a three-day event, we sold 26,000 donuts in 2,400 orders.

How many events did you attend last year?

We had 9 events last year. During the summer my mom and dad helped me (Scott and Jena Sales - Groom Barber Lounge), and during the school year, my roommates lent a hand.

The youngest member of the PACE Alliance, Rob will graduate in the fall with a degree and thriving business.

If you're thinking a mini-donut sounds good right about now, you can try Rob's Mini Donuts this Thursdays in Pella. Just look for the retired SWAT truck on Broadway.

Original source can be found here.

Source: Pella Chamber of Commerce